Installing a Disk Enclosure in a Cabinet
Installing a DAE2
EMC supports and can provide 1-, 5-, and 10-meter cables. The 5- and
10-meter cables are equalized.
Interconnections between disk enclosures should maintain LCC
consistency; that is, one Fibre Channel (FC) loop should interconnect
all and only the LCC As, and the other Fibre Channel loop should
interconnect all and only LCC Bs.
Do not leave an unused (that is dangling) cable connected to a host or
LCC port because it may cause excess noise on the loop.
Installing a Disk Enclosure in a Cabinet
You will install each disk enclosure on two L-shaped mounting rails
connected to the cabinet’s vertical channels.
◆ The Cabinet Setup Guide for the 40U Cabinet ships with standard
EMC cabinets, and explains how to unpack and install the 40U
cabinet itself.
◆ The EMC Rails and Enclosures Installation Guide for 19-Inch NEMA
Cabinets ships with the mounting rails. It explains how to install
universal mounting rails in the cabinet, and how to install the
enclosure on those rails.
Warnings and
The cabinet in which you will install the disk enclosure(s) must have
a full earth ground to provide reliable grounding. Also, the cabinet
should have its own switchable power distribution. We suggest that
you use a cabinet that has dual power distribution units, one on each
The enclosure is heavy and should be installed into a rack by two
people. To avoid personal injury and/or damage to the equipment, do
not attempt to lift and install the enclosure into a rack without a
mechanical lift and/or help from another person.
L’armoire étant lourde, sa mise en place sur une rampe nécessite deux
personnes. Afin de ne pas vous blesser et/ou endommager le matériel,
n’essayez pas de soulever et d’installer l’armoire sur une rampe sans
avoir recours à un relevage mécanique et/ou à l’aide d’une autre