Sybase 11.9.x-12.5 Home Theater Server User Manual

CHAPTER 4 Backup Server Error Messages
1.56.2 2 The SYBASE environment variable must be set.
Explanation: An unexpected condition, possibly
fatal to the session, has occurred. Error may have
occurred with any or all of usage, environment, or
internal logic. The session must exit. Follow any
instructions given.
1.57.2 2 Backup Server encountered an error while attempting
to create a message queue. The Open Server routine
srv_createmsgq failed. This session cannot continue.
Explanation: An unexpected condition, possibly
fatal to the session, has occurred. Error may have
occurred with any or all of usage, environment, or
internal logic. The session must exit.
1.58.2 2 Error: Unable to disable the `%1!' system registered
Explanation: An unexpected condition, possibly
fatal to the session, has occurred. Error may have
occurred with any or all of usage, environment, or
internal logic. The session must exit.
1.59.2 2 Error: Unable to spawn thread to drop the disallowed
system registered procedures.
Explanation: An unexpected condition, possibly
fatal to the session, has occurred. Error may have
occurred with any or all of usage, environment, or
internal logic. The session must exit.
1.60.2 2 Unable to configure %1! connections and %2! service
threads which requires %3! message queues. The
maximum number of message queues is %4!.
Explanation: The value of the -C and -P option are
such that the number of message queues exceed the
allowed maximum. Restart the Backup Server with
reduced values for these parameters.
1.61.2 2 The SYTAPE environment variable must be set.
Explanation: An unexpected condition, possibly
fatal to the session, has occurred. Error may have
occurred with any or all of usage, environment, or
internal logic. The session must exit. Follow any
instructions given.
Number Severity Text and Explanation