Sybase 11.9.x-12.5 Home Theater Server User Manual

CHAPTER 6 Adaptive Server Error Messages
5849 16 Verification failed for parameter `%s'.
Explanation: Command failed due to invalid or illegal request. Check syntax,
semantics, and permissions. Take any corrective action indicated by message.
5850 16 Notification failed for parameter `%s'.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
5851 16 Configuration Error: Configuration file `%s' has an unknown format on line %d.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
5852 16 Changing the value of `%s' is not allowed since it is a static option.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
5853 19 `%s' has been modified from `%ld' to `%ld' by the verification routine.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
5854 18 Configuration Error: Cannot %s file ’%s’ due to system error ’%s’ (stat
us = %d).
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
5855 16 Cannot change any of the configuration parameters since the `sysconfigures' table was
not updated during startup.
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and semantics. Check your configuration
file and any configuration parameters supplied.
5856 16 The configuration parameter `%s' can only be changed via the stored procedure
Explanation: Command failed. Check syntax and semantics. Check your configuration
file and any configuration parameters supplied.
5857 16 Changing the value of `%s' is not allowed since its value is calculated.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
5858 10 The configuration option `%s' has been changed by `%s' from `%ld' to `%ld'.
Explanation: This informational message is written to the Adaptive Server error log
sp_configure is used to change the value of a configuration parameter. The
username of the person making the change and the old and new values are written out.
Note that the message is NOT written to the log when you edit the configuration file
5859 16 The configuration number `%d' is invalid.
Explanation: Refer to the writeup for this error.
5860 18 Invalid datatype encountered for parameter `%s'.
Explanation: Adaptive Server checks the datatype of a configuration parameter when
you use sp_configure to read or change the parameter value. This error indicates that the
datatype of the configuration parameter is invalid. Contact Sybase Technical Support with
the server version and SWR level, and the text of the command that raised the error.
Number Severity Text and Explanation