Sybase 11.9.x-12.5 Home Theater Server User Manual

Backup Server Error Messages 4.1.2 - 4.75.3
4.16.2 2 Label validation error: read of tape mark failed.
Explanation: Errors similar to 4.9.2–4.12.2.
4.17.2 2 The stripes on the specified devices have completed,
but more dump stripes exist.
Explanation: This message arises when loading from
fewer stripes than the number used at dump time. At
load time, there must be at least one instance of every
device type used at dump time.
4.18.2 2 Unsupported device type. The stat() system call
returned type '%1!' for '%2!'. Refer to your operating
system documentation for more details.
Explanation: The archive device type is either an
operating system file, raw fixed disk, raw unloadable
disk (for example, floppy disk), tape, or network
location (device_name AT
remote_backup_server_name). Select a device of a
legal type.
4.19.2 2 Label validation error: too many trailer labels.
Explanation: Errors similar to 4.9.2–4.12.2.
4.20.2 2 Device `%1!': I/O error, write of tape mark failed.
Explanation: Errors similar to 4.9.2–4.12.2.
4.21.2 2 Device `%1!' should be marked `list only', but is not.
Cannot continue this command.
Explanation: Errors similar to 4.9.2–4.12.2.
4.22.1 1 Option %1! is not valid for device `%2!'.
Explanation: Indicates a device option not
appropriate for the device type. Review legal options
for device types.
4.23.2 2 %1!: read %2!: %3!.
Explanation: Indicates a read or write system call
error on a disk or file device. Investigate possible
causes (for example, out-of-space condition.) This
error aborts the dump or load.
4.24.2 2 %1!: write %2!: %3!.
Explanation: Indicates a read or write system call
error on a disk or file device. Investigate possible
causes (for example, out-of-space condition.) This
error aborts the dump or load.
Number Severity Text and Explanation