Sybase 11.9.x-12.5 Home Theater Server User Manual

Server Error Messages 9200 - 9299
9229 16 %S_REPAGNT. Could not change to database, %S_DBID.
Explanation: Check syntax and input data.
9230 16 The Rep Agent Thread for database, %S_DBID, is not running. Please retry this command
after starting the Rep Agent Thread for this database.
9231 16 %S_REPAGNT. The Connect Dataserver name was not specified via 'sp_start_rep_agent
', nor was it found in sysattributes, or sysservers. Make sure that you have done a 'sp_ad
dserver <svr>, local'.
Explanation: When generating the 'connect source' command for Replication Server, the
connect dataserver attribute could not be determined. You can set connect dataserver
attribute directly with
sp_start_rep_agent, or configure it via sp_config_rep_agent. This is
only necessary if the requested dataserver is other than the current dataservername. You
must also do an 'sp_addserver , local' in all cases.
9232 16 %S_REPAGNT. The Connect Database name was not found in sysattributes, or
Explanation: When generating the 'connect source' command for Replication Server, the
connect dataserver attribute could not be determined. You can set connect dataserver
attribute directly with
sp_start_rep_agent, or configure it via sp_config_rep_agent. This is
only necessary if the requested dataserver is other than the current dataservername.
9233 17 %S_REPAGNT. Could not allocate %d bytes from the procedure cache. Please retry the
last operation when more memory is available, or re-configure the server with a larger
procedure cache.
Explanation: Command failed due to resource limitation. Modify the command to fit
available resources, retry when the resource is available, or contact your System
Administrator to address the resource problem.
9234 17 %S_REPAGNT. Could not start Rep Agent Thread.
9235 17 Could not allocate memory for gettrunc. Please retry gettrunc() later when more memory
is available, or re-configure the server with a larger procedure cache.
9236 11 Unknown dbid '%d' specified. Please check the dbid specified.
Explanation: Check the value of the database ID specified in the query.
9237 16 %S_REPAGNT. The row for %.*s could not be found in sysattributes. Please check the
configuration properties for this database with 'sp_config_rep_agent ' or
Explanation: This message is displayed when you have not configured a required
RepAgent attribute.
9238 16 Settrunc() is not permitted when a Rep Agent Thread is currently running on the database.
Number Severity Text and Explanation