Sybase 11.9.x-12.5 Home Theater Server User Manual

CHAPTER 4 Backup Server Error Messages
6.31.2 2 Volume rejected.
Explanation: Backup Server refuses to use the
mounted volume. Adjacent messages provide more
detail. The volume either has non-ANSI structure or
there is a Backup Server programming error.
6.32.2 2 %1!: volume not valid or not requested (server: %2!,
session id: %3!.)
Explanation: The data on the device is not in proper
dump format. If you are loading, use another volume.
If you are dumping, user may overwrite.
6.33.2 2 %1!: Volume already contains %2! kilobytes, which is
larger than the specified capacity of %3! kilobytes.
Explanation: A multi-file dump device contains
more data than was specified in the capacity clause.
6.34.2 2 \n%1!\n%2!\n%3!
Explanation: An unexpected condition, possibly
fatal to the session, has occurred. Error may have
occurred with any or all of usage, environment, or
internal logic.
6.35.2 2 Volume validation error: bad magic number %1!,
expected %2!.
Explanation: Indicates a non-Sybase archive
mounted on the drive. Replace with a Sybase dump
6.36.2 2 Header labels of rejected volume:
Explanation: Preamble message to display labels of
rejected volume.
6.37.2 2 Volume validation error: Load block size of %1! must
equal volume block size of %2!.
Explanation: Indicates a non-Sybase archive (illegal
block size) mounted on the drive. Replace with a
Sybase dump archive.
6.38.1 1 Header labels of volume on `%1!':
Explanation: Information, no user action necessary.
6.39.0 0 tape drive
Explanation: Internal informational message,
usually a component of another message. No user
action necessary.
Number Severity Text and Explanation