Sybase 11.9.x-12.5 Home Theater Server User Manual

CHAPTER 6 Adaptive Server Error Messages
9962 17 Access to table '%.*s' index '%.*s' in the target database failed.
Explanation: Problem impacts outcome of dbcc checkstorage.
9963 16 An error occurred while attempting to insert a row into the dbcc_faults table or the
dbcc_fault_params table.
Explanation: Problem impacts outcome of dbcc checkstorage.
9964 16 Database '%.*s' was not found. Use sp_helpdb to list the available databases.
Explanation: Problem impacts outcome of dbcc checkstorage.
9965 16 The entries in dbcc_config for database '%.*s' are either missing or invalid. Use
sp_dbcc_evaluatedb to determine appropriate values for the entries and
sp_dbcc_updateconfig to set them.
Explanation: Problem impacts outcome of dbcc checkstorage.
9966 16 DBCC could not access the scan workspace '%.*s'. Verify that the workspace exists .
Explanation: Problem impacts outcome of dbcc checkstorage.
9967 16 DBCC could not access the text workspace '%.*s'. Verify that the workspace exists .
Explanation: Problem impacts outcome of dbcc checkstorage. Check the SA Guide for
9968 16 DBCC could not evaluate SQL Server's device configuration. Check the contents of the
dbcc_dev_info table.
Explanation: Problem impacts outcome of dbcc checkstorage. Check the SA Guide for
9969 16 The operation sequence number update for database '%.*s' in the dbcc_config table failed.
Explanation: Problem impacts outcome of dbcc checkstorage. Check the SA Guide for
9970 16 DBCC failed to either insert or update the row in the dbcc_operation_log table for this
check of database '%.*s'.
Explanation: Problem impacts outcome of dbcc checkstorage. Check the SA Guide for
9971 20 DBCC failed to schedule work for the worker processes. This is an internal error. Please
contact Sybase Technical Support.
Explanation: Internal error affecting the current process. Contact your SA.
9972 16 An error occurred while inserting the results into the dbcc_counters table.
Explanation: Problem impacts outcome of dbcc checkstorage. Check the SA Guide for
9973 16 An error occurred while inserting the results into the dbcc_operation_results table.
Explanation: Problem impacts outcome of dbcc checkstorage. Check the SA Guide for
Number Severity Text and Explanation