1. Use the arrow buttons to highlight the event for which you would like to see video.
2. Pressing will extract the event video and display the first image of the event.
3. Pressing PLAY/PAUSE will start playing the event video segment. Pressing
SEARCH returns to live monitoring.
Note It is possible that no recorded image displays on the current
screen. Press DISPLAY and change the screen mode to 4x4.
You will be able to easily see which camera(s) have recorded
video during the target time.
4. You can also narrow your event search by selecting Option… and setting up a
new search condition.
Figure 4-15 Event Log Search Option Screen
You can search video from the first to last recorded images, or you can set the
start and stop times and dates.
a. Highlight the box beside From and press to toggle between On and Off.
When set to Off, you can enter a specific Date and Time. When set to On, the
search will be from the first recorded image.
b. Highlight the box beside To and press to toggle between On and Off.
When set to Off, you can enter a specific Date and Time. When set to On, the
search will be from the last recorded image.
c. Highlight the box beside Check Time Overlap and press . It toggles
between On and Off. You will only be able to turn the Check Time Overlap on
or off if a user-defined date and time is set for From and To. If the DVR’s date
and time have been reset, it is possible for the DVR to have more than one
overlapping start and stop time. When set to On, you will be asked to select
one of the overlapping start and stop times. When set to Off, the DVR will
display search results from all start times to all stop times.
d. Highlight the box beside Alarm-In and press . You can select the alarm
inputs that you want to include in your search.
e. Highlight the box beside Motion and press . You can select the cameras
for which you want to search for any reports of motion detection.