Figure 3-58 Alarm-In Actions 2 Screen
11. In the Actions 2 tab, highlight the desired box under the PTZ heading, and press
. A list of PTZ presets appears. Select the preset position for each PTZ camera,
where you want PTZ cameras to move to whenever the DVR detects an input on
the associated alarm input.
12. Highlight the desired box under the Spot Monitor heading, and press . A list
of SPOT monitors and cameras appears. Each SPOT monitor can be associated
with a camera. The DVR will display the associated camera on the SPOT monitor
whenever it detects an input on the associated alarm input.
13. You can save your Alarm-In changes by highlighting Save and pressing .
Selecting Cancel exits the screen without saving the changes.
Motion Detection Screen
1. Highlight Motion Detection in the Event menu and press . The Motion
Detection setup screen (Figure 3-59) appears.
Figure 3-59 Motion Detection Settings Screen
2. Your DVR has built-in video motion detection. Video motion detection can be
turned On or Off for each camera by highlighting the motion detection number
and pressing .