11. Media List
User’s Manual
2. Play Option
Play Option for a File
Select a le you want to play and press the OK button. A popup will appear to display the play option.
Play from the last played position: Play the le
from the point it has been stopped.
• Play from the start: Pla
y the le from the
• Delete a le: Delete the le. Select Ye s and press
the OK button.
• Rename: Rename the le. Enter the name using
the keyboard displayed. Press the YELLOW button
to complete.
• Play at chapter: Select a still image and press the
/ button to select the chapter you wish to view.
• You can also press the PLAY button to play the le
from the last played position.
• A chapter is made automatically by dividing a
le into eight smaller les and capturing a
image of each smaller le. Chapters are used in
play option by pressing the PREVIOUS and NEXT
Play Option for Playlist
Select the playlist and press the OK button.
Play: Play all les in the playlist.
• Delete: Delete the playlist.
• Edit: Edit the playlist.
After making a playlist, you can view the pl
aylist in video list. (Refer to File Manager on p.54.)