Chapter 6: Specifying and Using Disc or Track Data
Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 6 : Specifying and Using Disc or Track Data
6-1 Introduction
Thanks to sophisticated design and onboard memory storage, your DVD mega-changer can read and store additional information about the discs you load, enabling you to
choose discs by title information rather than just disc position.
This memory feature means you don’t have to remember what disc is stored in which slot or spend time creating a list of what you’ve loaded.
Here’s how it works: every disc has a Table of Contents code embedded in it. The changer reads this code and associates with it any other information that it reads or that you
enter for the disc. It stores the information internally so that when you load or play the disc, the changer still contains the disc and track titles (among other things).
÷ Your DVD changer will recall information read in at the time of registration even when the disc insertion place is changed.
÷ Your changer stores this information for up to 420 discs, which allows you to rotate discs between the changer and another CD player without losing any information read.
This chapter is composed of the following sections.
Listening to music by genre ..................................... Y
Reorganizing discs to desired groups ...................... U
Registration of Title .................................................Œ
Disc search ............................................................... ‰
Searching a desired folder/file by its title ................ ∏