Using the TV’s Features
32 Chapter 3
Channel Banner
There are several indicators that might appear when you press the TV or INFO button on the
remote. What you see depends on the input you're connected to (digital or analog) and the
information available for the current program. This display is called the Channel Banner. The list at
the bottom of this page describes the items on the Channel Banner screen (left to right and top to
Sample channel banner on the digital input.
4/3 format Current screen format.
Mono (or Stereo) Mono appears when the current channel is broadcasting in mono.
Stereo appears when the current channel is broadcasting in stereo.
English (Digital input only) The current audio language.
SAP (Analog input only) The current channel is broadcasting SAP
(Second Audio Program) information.
Parental Controls are locked.
CC On the digital input, shows that Closed Captioning is turned on. On
the analog input, shows that Closed Captioning is available on the
current channel.
03:45 pm Current time.
Program title (Digital input only) The title of the current program (if this
information is available).
Program description (Digital input only) A brief description of the current program (if
this information is available).
Shows that you're currently viewing a digital channel.
Shows that you're currently viewing an analog channel.
Current channel and subchannel (subchannels are available on the
digital input only), plus the channel label.
Note: Channel labels for digital channels are part of the signal
sent by the broadcaster, so you cannot change them. Channel
labels for analog channels do not always come from the
broadcaster, so you can create them and change them as you like.
Sound is muted.
4/3 format Stereo English cc 03:45 pm
15-1 NBC-HD
Program title
Program description...
Sample channel banner on the analog input.
4/3 format Mono SAP cc 03:45 pm
15 NBC