Samsung 440 Flat Panel Television User Manual

Figures and illustrations in this User Manual are provided for reference only and may differ from actual product appearance. |
Product design and specifications may be changed without notice.
_ Seethe warranty card for moreinformation oil warranty terms.
Wide screenformat PDP Displays(16:9, the aspect ratioof the screen width to height) areprimarilydesignedto view wide screen format full-motionvideo.
The images displayed onthem should primarily beinthe wide screen 16:9ratioformat, or expanded to fi[[thescreen ifyour model offersthis featureand
the images areconstantly moving. Displayingstationary graphicsand images on screen,such as the dark side barson non-expanded standard format
televisionvideo and programming, shouldbe limited to nomore than5% of thetotal televisionviewing perweek.
Additionally, viewingother stationary images andtext such as stock market reports, video game displays, station [ogos,web sitesor computer graphics
and patterns, should be limited as described abovefor a[[televisions.Displayingstationary imagesthat exceed the above guidelinescan cause uneven
aging ofPDP Displays that leave subtle, but permanent burneddn ghost images in the PDP picture. Toavoid this,vary the programming and images, and
primarilydisplayfuji screen moving images, not stationary patterns or dark bars.
On PDP models that offer picturesizing features, usethese controls toview differentformats as a full screen picture.
Be careful inthe selection and duration of televisionformats youuse for viewing. UnevenPDPaging asa resultof format selectionand use, as well as
burned in images, are notcovered byyour Samsung limitedwarranty.
Subject to the requirements, conditions, exclusionsand limitationsof the original Limited Warranty supplied with Samsung Electronics (SAMSUNG)
products, and the requirements,conditions, exclusionsand [imitationscontained herein,SAMSUNG will additionally provideWarranty Repair Service
inthe United States onSAMSUNG products purchased inCanada, and in Canadaon SAMSUNG products purchased inthe United States, forthe
warranty period originallyspecified, andto the OriginalPurchaseronly.
The above described warranty repairs must be performed by a SAMSUNG Authorized Service(}enter. Along with this Statement, the OriginalLimited
Warranty Statement and a dated BillofSale as Proof of Purchase must be presented to the ServiceCenter.Transportation to and from theService
Center is the responsibilityof the purchaser. Conditions covered are limitedonly to manufacturing defects inmaterialor workmanship, and onlythose
eneeuntered in normal useof the product.
Excluded, but not limitedto, are anyoriginally specified provisionsfor,in-home or on-site services,minimum or maximum repairtimes, exchanges or
replacements, accessories, options, upgrades, or consumables.
For the location ofa SAMSUNG Authorized ServiceCenter,pleasecalltoil-free:
- Inthe United States :1-800-SAMSUNG (1-800-726-7864)
- InCanada :1-800-SAMSUNG
Screen image retention
Do not display a stillimage (such as on a video game)on the plasma display pane[for morethanseveral minutes as itcan cause screenimage
retention, This image retentionisalso known as 'screen burn', To avoid suchimage retention, referto page 15 ofthis manualto reduce the degreeof
brightness and contrast of the screen when displaying a stillimage.
Heat on the top of the P[asma'rV
The top sideof the product may be hot after [0% periodsof use as heat dissipatesfrom the panel through the vent hole in the upper part of the
This is normal and does not indicate any defect or operation failure ofthe product.
However, children shouldbe preventedfrom touching the upper part ofthe product.
The product is making a 'cracking' noise.
A 'cracking' noise may occur when the product contracts or expands dueto achange inthe surrounding environment suchas temperature or
humidity. This is normal and not a defect ofthe unit.
Cell Defects
The PDP usesa panelconsisting of 2,360,000(HDdevel)to 6,221,000(FHDdevel) pixelswhich requiresophisticated technology to produce. However,
theremay bea few bright or dark pixels onthe screen.Thesepixels will haveno impacton the performance of theproduct.
Avoid operating the rv at temperatures below 41°F (5°0)
A still image displayed too long may cause permanent damage to the PDP Panel.
Watching the PlasmaTVin 4:3 format for a long period oftime may [eevetraces of borders displayed on the [eft,right and center
of the screen caused by the difference of lightemission onthe screen. Playinga DVDor a game consolemay cause similar effects
to the screen.
Damagescaused by the above effect are notcovered by the Warranty.
After-images on the Screen.
Displayingstillimages from Video games and PC forlonger thana certain period oftime may produce partialafterdmages.
Toprevent this effect, reduce the 'brightness' and 'contrast' when displaying stillimages for a long time.
Warranty does not cover anydamage caused by image retention.
Burndn is not covered W the warranty.
The glassscreen of your PDPTV can breakif youaccidently drop the T_ Handle the TV withcare.
Wtlen moving the TV,always havetwo or morepeople pick it up and carry it as a safety precaution. Do not laytile TVfiaton its face
or back.
(Your)Samsung PlasmaTV is a high qualitytelevisionthat hasbeencarefullypackaged to protect the integrityof its glasspaneland component parts
during shipment. It is, nonetheless,a fragile piece of electronicsthat requires carefulhandling. Refrain from putting unduestress on any part of the
packaging when shipping or unpacking the T_ Usecare when installingthe T_ Avoid placing theTVina location where it maybe struck, exposed to
sharp impacts, or fail. Panelbreakage caused by a fall or impact strike is not covered under the manufacturer's warranty.