8 System
8.8.3 Program Rating Lock (Off / On)
When turned on, the Program Rating Lock feature can automatically block programs that you deem
inappropriate for your children. You must enter a PIN (personal identification number) before you can set
or change any of the Program Rating Lock restrictions.
This option is available when the input source is TV.
The default PIN number for a new product set is “0-0-0-0”.
TV Rating: You can block TV programs based on their ratings. This function allows you to control
what your children can watch. TV Rating displays a grid with locks. The following categories are on
the left side.
TV-Y: Young children / TV-Y7: Children 7 and over / TV-G: General audience / TV-PG: Parental
guidance / TV-14: Viewers 14 and over / TV-MA: Mature audience
The following categories are on top
ALL: Lock all TV ratings. / FV: Fantasy violence / V: Violence / S: Sexual situation / L: Adult
Language / D: Sexually Suggestive Dialog
To block certain content, you select a lock, and press [ ] (That is, you “click it”.). For example,
click the lock at the intersection of V and TV-MA, and you block all programs that are rated violent
and for mature adults. The locks are also assigned to related groups. For example, if you click
TV-Y under All, then TV-Y7 will also automatically be blocked. Similarly, if you click TV-G under
ALL, then all the categories in the young adult group will be blocked (TV-G, TV-PG, TV-14 and
TV-MA). The sub-ratings (D, L, S, V) work similarly. So, if you block the L sub-rating in TV-PG,
then the L sub-ratings in TV-14 and TV-MA will automatically be blocked.
To unblock a category, click the lock. To unblock all the categories in a row, click the lock under
To watch a blocked program, you must enter the Security code when requested.
Movie Rating (MPAA): You can block movies based on their MPAA rating. The Motion Picture
Association of America (MPAA) has implemented a rating system that provides parents or guardians
with advanced information on which films are appropriate for children.
Movie Rating displays a column with locks and the following ratings categories.
G: General audience (no restrictions). / PG: Parental guidance suggested. / PG-13: Parents strongly
cautioned. / R: Restricted. Children under 17 should be accompanied by an adult. / NC-17: No
children under age 17. / X: Adults only. / NR: Not rated.
To block certain content, you select a lock, and press [ ] (That is, you “click it”.). For
example, click the X lock and you block all X-rated movies. The rating categories are also
grouped so that clicking one category blocks all the categories a parent would block along
with it. For example, if you block the PG-13 category, then R, NC-17 and X will automatically
be blocked also.
To unblock a category, click the lock.