Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 171
ANSI-Approved Version
2h Indicates this device complies with ANSI lX3.131-199x (SCSI-2) and the SCSI-3 features as described in this man-
BQue (Basic Queuing)
The following BQue values are valid only when the CMD QUE bit = 0.
0 The device does not support tagged tasks (command queuing) for this logical unit. This value is always used if the
CmdQue bit is 1.
1 The device supports, for this logical unit, the basic task management model defined by ANSI document SCSI3
Architectural Model-2, T10/1157.
CMD QUE (Command Queuing)
0 The disc drive does not support tagged command queuing.
1 The disc drive supports tagged command queuing.
Copyright Notice
The 48 bytes of ASCII data “Copyright (c) XXXX Seagate All rights reserved,” where “XXXX” indicates the current year (for
example: 1997).
Drive Serial Number
The 8 bytes of ASCII data containing 8-digit drive serial number.
Dual P (Dual Port)
0 The disc drive is not a dual port device.
1 The disc drive is a dual port device.
ENCSER (Enclosure Services)
0 The drive does not support the enclosure services diagnostic pages.
1 The drive supports the Enclosure Service Diagnostic pages (see Sections 12.33 and 12.47). The drive returns
Enclosure Services Information (ESI) data as a result of a Receive Diagnostic Results command.
HiSupport (Hierarchical Support)
0 The target does not use the hierarchical addressing model to assign LUNs to logical units.
1 The target uses the hierarchical addressing model to assign LUNs to logical units. When the HiSupport bit is one,
the device server supports the Report LUNs command.
LINKED (Linked Command)
0 The disc drive does not support linked commands.
1 The disc drive supports linked commands.
NACA (Normal Auto Contingent Allegiance)
0 Drives supported by this manual do not support ACA.
Peripheral Qualifier and Peripheral Device Type
00h A direct-access device (magnetic disc) is connected to this logical unit.
This bit is only defined when the Dual Port (Dual P) bit = 1.
0 The disc drive received the Inquiry command on port A.
1 The disc drive received the Inquiry command on port B.
Product Identification
The ASCII data containing the drive model number. The data is left-aligned within this field.
Product Revision Level
The four bytes of ASCII data containing the last four digits of the firmware release number.