Fibre Channel Interface Manual, Rev. D 207
The target terminates all the Mode Select commands with Check Condition status, sets the sense key to Illegal
Request and sets the additional sense code to Invalid Field In Parameter List, and does not change any mode
parameters for the following conditions:
• If the Strict mode is enabled (see Table 146) and the initiator attempts to change any field that is not change-
able by the host as reported by the target. In this case, no parameters are changed by this command. The
target compares the parameters against the values as they were prior to this Mode Select command. (The
host is not penalized by values not changeable by the host, which have a target “ripple change” as a result of
this Mode Select).
• If the initiator attempts to send an unsupported value or, a nonzero value to a reserved field in the Mode
Select header, block descriptor, or any page header.
• If an initiator attempts to send a page with a length not equal to the parameter length reported for that page
by the Mode Sense command.
• If the initiator attempts to send a value for a changeable parameter that is outside the range supported by
the target and rounding is not implemented for that parameter (see rounding bit in Table 146).
• If the initiator sends a page descriptor with an unsupported page code value and the Strict mode is enabled.
(see Table 146).
• If the initiator sends a value in the Number of Blocks field (see Table 139) that is greater than the maximum
Number of Blocks (rounding is used if the maximum Number of Blocks might change). This is also an excep-
tion for FFFFFFFFh.
If the initiator sends a value for a changeable parameter that is outside the range supported by the target and
rounding is implemented for that parameter, the target will either:
• round the parameter to an acceptable value and if Round is one, terminate the command, or
• round the parameter to an acceptable value and if Round equals zero, terminate the command as if an
acceptable value had been sent from the initiator.
A target may alter any mode parameter in any mode page (even parameters reported as nonchangeable) as a
result of changes to other mode parameters.