ICD-SX57 GB 2-894-353-52 (1)
System Limitations
There are some system limitations of the IC recorder. Troubles as mentioned below are
not malfunctions of the IC recorder.
Symptom Cause/Remedy
You cannot record
messages up to the
maximum recording time.
If you record messages in a mixture of STHQ, ST, STLP, SP and
LP modes, the recordable time varies from the maximum STHQ
mode recording time to the maximum LP mode recording
The sum of the number on the counter (elapsed recording
time) and the remaining recording time may be less than the
IC recorder’s maximum recording time.
You cannot divide a
You cannot divide a message in a folder which has 999
You cannot divide MP3 les.
You cannot divide at the beginning of a message or at the end
of a message, or around bookmarks.
You cannot display MP3
les in order.
If you have transferred MP3 les using Windows Explorer, those
les may not be copied in order of transfer because of the
limitations of Windows.
When you want to display the les you transferred in order, it is
recommended that you use the supplied “Digital Voice Editor”
You cannot make the A-B
repeat setting.
If messages on which bookmarks have been added using
other IC recorders are copied to this IC recorder, the A-B repeat
setting may not be made. Cancel the bookmarks rst, and then
make the A-B repeat setting.
You cannot enter lower-
case characters.
Depending on the combination of the characters used for
the folder name that was made on Windows Explorer, those
characters may change to all capitals.