Using Other Equipment with Your Remote Control
To operate other equiplnent connected to your TV, first turn to page 42 and
program the necessary code. For operating video equipment, press
TV/VIDI:::Orepeatedly until you see the video input on the screen for your
connected equipment. Remote control tips are provided below.
Ja Some functions cannot be operated depending on the equipment.
!n that case, operate by the remote control supplied with the
Operating a Cable Box
Activate the remote control to operate SAT/CABLE (FUNCTION) Select a chmmel 0-9, ENT
tile cable box Change channels OH +/-
Turn on/ofl POWER Back to previous channel J UMP
Operating a Satellite Receiver
Activate the lelnole control to operate SAT/CABLE (FUNCTION) Display channel nulnber DISPLAY
tile satellite receiver
Turn on/off' POWER Display SAT Guide GUIDE
Select a channel 0-9, ENT Display SAT Menu MENU
Chmlge chalmels CH +/- Move highlight (cursor) tl. I__, ,_.
Back to previous chalmel JUMP
Select item @
Operating a VCR
Activate tile relnote control to operate DVR/VCR (FUNCTION) Fasl lorward
tile VCR Rewind the tape
Turn on/off POWER II (press again to resunle
.......................................... Patlse
Change chmmels CH +/- normal playback)
Record • Select a chalmel 0-9, ENT
Stop •
Operating a DVD Player or DVD Changer
Activate tile relnote COlltrol to operate
Step through (lilferent _ to fast revel-_ or _ to
tracks of tile disc ltSt Ik)rward lhe disc when
pressed during playback
Turll oil/off POWER Step through different chaplets oI tile _ to slep forward or _ to
disc step backward
If you have a DVD changer, F1 Select a track directly 0-9, ENT
to skip disc
Play 12> Display tile disc lnelm or top nlellu BD/DVD MEN U or
Slop • Display lhe systeln MENU MENU
II (press again 1oresume ('_
Pause llorlna] playback) Operale lhe DVD inenll t_ I_ 4, _',