130 Chapter 13—Onboard Effects
03D—Owner’s Manual
Parameter Range Description
DLY L 0.1–2730.0 ms Delay time of the L channel.
DLY C 0.1–2730.0 ms Delay time of the center delay.
DLY R 0.1–2730.0 ms Delay time of the R channel.
LEVEL L –100 to +100 Level of the L channel delay sound.
LEVEL C –100 to +100 Level of the center delay sound.
LEVEL R –100 to +100 Level of the R channel delay sound.
FB.DLY 0.1–2730.0 ms Feedback delay time.
FB.GAIN –99 to +99% Amount of feedback.
HI.RATIO 0.1–1.0
High frequency amount of the feedback, expressed as a
ratio relative to FB.GAIN.
THRU, 21 Hz–8.0
Cutoff frequency of the high pass filter.
50 Hz–16.0 kHz,
Cutoff frequency of the low pass filter.
Parameter Range Description
DLY L 0.1–1350.0 ms Delay time of the L channel.
FB.D L 0.1–1350.0 ms Delay time of the L channel feedback.
FB.G L –99 to +99% Feedback amount of the L channel.
DLY R 0.1–1350.0 ms Delay time of the R channel.
FB.D R 0.1–1350.0 ms Delay time of the R channel feedback.
FB.G R –99 to +99% Feedback amount of the R channel.
L->R FB.G –99 to +99% Amount of feedback from the L channel to the R channel.
R->L FB.G –99 to +99% Amount of feedback from the R channel to the L channel.
HI.RATIO 0.1–1.0
High frequency amount of the feedback, expressed as a
ratio relative to FB.GAIN.
THRU, 21 Hz–8.0
Cutoff frequency of the high pass filter.
50 Hz–16.0 kHz,
Cutoff frequency of the low pass filter.
Parameter Range Description
FREQ. 0.05–40.00 Hz Modulation speed.
PM DEPTH 0–100% Depth of pitch modulation.
AM DEPTH 0–100% Depth of volume modulation.
LSF F 21 Hz–1.0 kHz Frequency of the low shelving filter.
LSF G –12 to +12 dB Gain of the low shelving filter.
MOD.DLY 0.0 to 500.0 ms
Delay time from the direct sound until the modulated
EQ F 99 Hz–8.0 kHz Frequency of the parametric equalizer.
EQ G –12 to +12 dB Gain of the parametric equalizer.
WAVE SINE, TRI Modulation waveform. SINE: sine wave, TRI: triangle wave
HSF F 500 Hz–16 kHz Frequency of the high shelving filter.
HSF G –12 to +12 dB Gain of the high shelving filter.