Books 279
03D—Owner’s Manual
Appendix D: Resources
• Introducing Digital Audio, Ian R Sinclair, second edition, PC Publishing, 1992. A
good all-round introduction to digital audio. Second edition explains oversampling
and bitstream techniques.
• Principles of Digital Audio, Ken C. Pohlmann, Howard W.Sams & Co, 1989. Covering
all aspects of digital audio, this book is ideal for the newcomer who wants to know
the basics—plus a bit more.
• The Art of digital Audio, John Watkinson, Focal Press (Butterworth Group), 1990. An
essential read for digital audio professionals—but only for the serious!
• The MIDI Ins, Outs & Thrus, Jeff Rona, Hal Leonard Publishing, 1992. An excellent
introduction to MIDI with many illustrations for easy understanding.
• MIDI Systems & Control, Francis Rumsey, second edition, Focal Press, 1994. Covers
all MIDI topics in detail and looks at how MIDI can be used to control systems (i.e.,
digital mixers, synths).
• THE MIDI BOOK, Steve DeFuria with Joe Scacciaferro, Hal Leonard Books. A good
introduction for anyone new to MIDI.
• THE MIDI RESOURCE BOOK, Steve DeFuria with Joe Scacciaferro, Hal Leonard
Books, 1988. Following on from THE MIDI BOOK, this one looks at the real nuts
and bolts of MIDI including the MIDI specification and how to read MIDI Imple-
mentation Charts.
• Yamaha Sound Reinforcement Handbook, Gary Davis and Ralph Jones, second edi-
tion, Hal Leonard Publishing Corporation, 1990. Although primarily concerned
with sound reinforcement, many of the subjects covered also apply to studio audio
applications. The second edition also includes a comprehensive section on MIDI.
Yamaha Web Site