200 Chapter 16—Automix
03D—Owner’s Manual
are overwritten. The trim fade times apply only to normal channel faders. The Trim and
Extract functions require at least 1K of free memory. Mix scene recalls, effects library
recalls, initial safe channel settings, time signature settings, and transmitted MIDI Pro-
gram Changes cannot be edited on the Extract page. Use the Event Edit page to edit
these events. See Editing Events Off-line on page 193 for more information.
Automix data in memory is compressed. So even when events are deleted, the amount
of free memory may not, in some cases, increase.
Undoing Automix Operations
The automix undo function allows you to revert to the previous automix after making
changes that you do not want to keep. Executing the undo function swaps the contents
of the undo buffer and current automix. The undo function can be turned on and off,
and the contents of the undo buffer can be cleared at anytime, freeing up memory for
automix recording. Normally it’s best to work with the Undo function enabled. If you’re
working on a long automix and automix memory is getting low, however, it should be
disabled. Seeing as you cannot undo automix edits with the Undo function disabled, we
recommend that you back up your automix data to an external MIDI device via MIDI
Bulk Dump. See Bulk Dump on page 242 for more information.
The undo controls shown here are available on the Main and Mem-
ory pages. Operation is identical on both pages. The main undo
switch, however, is available on the Main and Extract pages.
Before automix changes can be undone, the undo function must be turned on (i.e.,
enabled) before making any changes. Otherwise, there won’t be any data in the undo
buffer to recall.
1. Use the [AUTOMIX] button to locate the Main page.
2. Use the cursor buttons to select the UNDO ENABLE switch, and then press
the [ENTER] button.
If you are using a mouse, simply click the UNDO ENABLE switch.
A confirmation dialog box appears.
3. Use the cursor buttons to select OK, and then press the [ENTER] button.
If you are using a mouse, simply click OK.
Undo off (disabled)
Undo on (enabled)
The previous contents of the current automix are copied to the undo buffer when
• A new automix is created (see Creating a New Automix on page 180)
• An automix is recalled (see Recalling Automixes on page 203)