186 Chapter 16—Automix
03D—Owner’s Manual
During automix recording, parameter changes, such as EQ, pan, and so on, apply to the
channel selected in this step. You can select several channels and record fader moves and
mute events for those channels because each channel has it’s own fader and [ON] but-
Use the [FADER MODE] buttons to select aux and effects send faders for automix
To swap the effect return fader between effects returns 1 and 2, use the [EFFECT 1] and
[EFFECT 2] buttons. The effect return [SEL] button, which is normally used to select
effects returns, is used to turn effects return editing on and off during automix record-
ing, so it cannot be used to select the effects.
9. Start the external timecode source.
Automix recording starts and the REC switch stops flashing and appears highlighted.
The time counter displays incoming timecode.
To select another channel for EQ, pan, or other adjustments without affecting the chan-
nel selected for automix recording, hold down any one of the cursor buttons and press
that channel’s [SEL] button. With, for example, the EQ page selected, this could be used
during automix recording to record EQ events of several channels one after another.
10. Make the required parameter changes.
As automix recording progresses and automix memory is used, the size boxes display
the amount of free automix memory.
Use the faders to adjust levels and the [ON] buttons to mute channels. Events for only
channels selected for automix recording are recorded.
Use the SETUP, CHANNEL CONTROL, and FADER MODE buttons to select mix
parameter pages. The channel selected for automix recording will be the selected chan-
nel on these pages. Use the PARAMETER wheel, [ENTER] button, and mouse to adjust
As well as mix parameter changes, the following can be recalled: mix scenes, EQ pro-
grams, effects programs, dynamics programs, and channel programs.
When recording, faders for unselected channels are “frozen” and cannot be moved. To
prevent damage, do not force these faders.
11. To stop automix recording, stop the external timecode source, or use the
automix STOP switch.
The REC switch returns to normal and the STOP switch appears highlighted.
When the Undo function is enabled, a confirmation dialog box appears asking whether
you want to record or abort the recorded events.
Recorded events are added to the current automix.
You can revert to the previous automix, discarding the newly recorded data using the
undo function. See Undoing Automix Operations on page 200 for more information.
Automix recording can be stopped using the ABORT switch. If automix recording is
aborted, the newly recorded data is discarded. If the Undo function is enabled, the
newly recorded data is copied to the undo buffer. You must press the ABORT switch
while recording is in progress. Pressing it when recording has already stopped will not
work. If memory is low and the undo buffer is disabled, you may not be able to abort
playback or recording. In this case, the ABORT switch appears gray.
With the first part of the automix completed, you can do one of the following:
• Play back the automix—Playing Back an Automix on page 187
• Record parameter changes for other channels—go back to step 6 of this procedure