Preset Dynamics Programs 161
03D—Owner’s Manual
33 Solo Vocal2 Compressor
Threshold (dB) –8
A variation on program 32.
Ratio ( :1) 2.5
Attack (ms) 26
Outgain (dB) 1.5
Knee 3
Release (ms) 331
34 Chorus Compressor
Threshold (dB) –9
A variation on program 32,
intended for chorus vocals.
Ratio ( :1) 1.7
Attack (ms) 39
Outgain (dB) 2.5
Knee 2
Release (ms) 226
35 Click Erase Expander
Threshold (dB) –33
Expander program to remove
click track sounds that may bleed
out of the musicians monitor
Ratio ( :1) 2
Attack (ms) 1
Outgain (dB) 2.0
Knee 2
Release (ms) 284
36 Announcer
Threshold (dB) –14
Hard compander program to
reduce the music level when the
announcer speaks, making the
voice clearer.
Ratio ( :1) 2.5
Attack (ms) 1
Outgain (dB) –2.5
Width (dB) 18
Release (ms) 180
37 Limiter1 Compander (S)
Threshold (dB) –9
A soft-knee compander program
with a slow release.
Ratio ( :1) 3
Attack (ms) 20
Outgain (dB) –3.0
Width (dB) 90
Release (ms) 3.90 s
38 Limiter2 Compressor
Threshold (dB) 0
A compressor program using the
peak-stop style.
Ratio ( :1) ∞
Attack (ms) 0
Outgain (dB) 0.0
Knee hard
Release (ms) 319
39 Total Comp1 Compressor
Threshold (dB) –18
Compressor intended to reduce
the overall volume level. Use it
on the stereo output during mix-
down. It can also be used with
the stereo input.
Ratio ( :1) 3.5
Attack (ms) 94
Outgain (dB) 2.5
Knee hard
Release (ms) 447
40 Total Comp2 Compressor
Threshold (dB) –16
A variation of program 39 with
greater compression.
Ratio ( :1) 6
Attack (ms) 11
Outgain (dB) 6.0
Knee 1
Release (ms) 180
# Title Type Parameter Value Description