244 Chapter 19—MIDI
03D—Owner’s Manual
Assigning Devices to MIDI Remote Pages
Four MIDI Remote pages are available and each can be assigned to one device.
1. Use the [MIDI REMOTE] button to locate the Setup page shown below.
2. Use the cursor buttons to select a page’s rotary control, and then use the
PARAMETER wheel to select a device.
If you are using a mouse, position the mouse cursor over a rotary control, press and
hold the left mouse button, and then drag the mouse.
3. Use the cursor buttons to select the CH/PORT parameters, and then use
the [ENTER] button and PARAMETER wheel to set them.
If you are using a mouse, simply click the CH/PORT switches. Position the mouse cur-
sor over the CH parameters, press and hold the left mouse button, and then drag the
The CH/PORT parameters determine which ports the 03D uses to transmit and receive
MIDI Remote messages for the four MIDI Remote pages: MIDI OUT or TO HOST.
The MIDI Channel can be set for each MIDI Remote page.
The CH/PORT settings can also be made on the MIDI/HOST page of the Utility func-
tion. See MIDI/HOST Setup on page 233 for more information.