72 Chapter 7—Solo, Monitors & Meters
03D—Owner’s Manual
About Monitor & Solo
The 03D’s flexible monitoring and solo functions are designed for use in a wide range
of applications. Pre-fader or post-fader signals from all inputs and outputs can be mon-
itored via the monitor out and headphones. Solo in Place and Mixdown Solo mode,
which work in conjunction with the stereo output, are also provided. Monitor and solo
functions are divided between two pages: Moni.Setup and Solo Setup. When the Solo
function is off (i.e., [SOLO] button off), sources selected on the Moni.Setup page are
output continuously.
On the Moni.Setup page you can select the stereo output, aux sends, bus outs, or stereo
cascade input as the monitor source. These signals are monitored via the monitor out
and headphones. Moni.Setup page functions do not affect the [SOLO] button or stereo
output. Using the SEL MODEs you can monitor these signals individually or mixed
together. Signals can be sourced pre-fader (PFL) or post-fader (AFL). The Moni.Setup
page also provides a trim control and mono/stereo switch. See Monitoring on page 74
for more information.
On the Solo Setup page you can set up the solo functions that allow you to monitor
input channels, the stereo input channel, effects returns, and ST cascade input. Three
solo modes are available on this page: Recording Solo, Mixdown Solo, and Solo in
Place. These modes are used in conjunction with the [SOLO] and [ON] buttons, which
are used to select channels. Using the SEL MODEs you can monitor these signals indi-
vidually or mixed together. Signals can be sourced pre-fader (PFL) or post-fader (AFL).
The Solo Setup page also provides a trim control and mono/stereo switch. The Solo
Setup page is used only to set up the solo functions. You do not need to select it in order
to use the solo functions. See Setting Up Solo on page 75 for more information. See also
Solo Safe on page 77.