224 Chapter 18—Digital I/O
03D—Owner’s Manual
Multitrack Recorders
The 03D’s YGDAI slot provides eight digital inputs and outputs, and can be used to
connect modular digital multitrack recorders, such as the Alesis ADAT or Tascam
DA-88. The digital outputs can be any combination of bus outs, aux sends, and direct
outputs from the first 16 input channels. So even though the 03D has only four bus out-
puts, up to eight tracks can be recorded simultaneously. When the 03D is used with a
digital multitrack recorder, input channels 17 to 24 function as tape returns.
Assigning Signals to the YGDAI Outputs
The following table shows which signal sources can be assigned to the eight YGDAI dig-
ital outputs. Note that these signals are not sourced directly from the 03D buses. They
are sourced from the actual outputs before D/A conversion. So they are affected, for
example, by the stereo, bus, and aux send master faders, EQ, and dynamics processors.
1. Use the [DIO] button to locate the D.out Setup page shown below.
2. Use the cursor buttons to select the YGDAI OUTPUT ASSIGN switches,
and the [ENTER] button to set them.
If you are using a mouse, simply click the switches.
The YGDAI card graphic at the top left of the D.out Setup page indicates the type of
YGDAI card installed. The following table lists the available card types.
As an example, this is what the YGDAI card graphic displays when
a CD8-AT ADAT card is installed.
Output Source
BUS 1, AUX 1, Direct Out 1, Direct Out 9, or STEREO L
BUS 2, AUX 2, Direct Out 2, Direct Out 10, or STEREO R
BUS 3, AUX 3, Direct Out 3, Direct Out 11, or STEREO L
BUS 4, AUX 4, Direct Out 4, Direct Out 12, or STEREO R
BUS 1, AUX 1, Direct Out 5, Direct Out 13, or STEREO L
BUS 2, AUX 2, Direct Out 6, Direct Out 14, or STEREO R
BUS 3, AUX 3, Direct Out 7, Direct Out 15, or STEREO L
BUS 4, AUX 4, Direct Out 8, Direct Out 16, or STEREO R
Indicator Card Description
No Connection No card installed —
adat CD8-AT ADAT Digital I/O
TASCAM CD8-TDII Tascam TDIF-1 Digital I/O
YAMAHA CD8-Y Yamaha Digital I/O
CASCADE CD8-CS KIT Digital Cascade Kit