Dear Dealer/Installer:
We appreciate your decision to use the Destiny 4100 for this installation. As a division of the Pittway Corporation and
member of the ADEMCO Security Group, we are proud to provide you with equipment made by ADEMCO, the
world’s largest alarm manufacturer. The manufacturing facility is ISO 9001 certified and contains the most modern
automated manufacturing and testing equipment in the industry.
The most important design resource for apex is our dealers. Our technical support staff (800-272-7937) is always
anxious to hear feedback. After all, most of the ideas for features in apex panels come from our dealers.
While keypad programming has become simplier in this latest apex control panel, we strongly recommend using the
FREE upload/download software that can be obtained from your distributor, downloaded from the apex BBS at
(919)954-0318 or download from our web site (www.ademco.com/apex/apexhome.htm). The software reduces the
amount of time necessary to program a system and provides built in safeguards that reduce the possibility of incorrect
programming. Remember the system can be computer programed both off and on site.
Thanks again for choosing apex . We are confident you will agree that you have made an excellent choice.
Jim Filer
A Member of the ADEMCO Group
3510 Spring Forest Road - Raleigh, NC 27616 - (800) 272-7937 - Fax (919) 850-0977