
There are two different levels or types of extended monitor, A and B. Locations 0177
and 0175 determine which zone types are to be monitored by each extended monitor
type. Entering a full function user code followed by the digit 3 will place the system in
extended monitor mode type A or enter the 4 digit for extended monitor type B. When
entering extended monitor the system responds with "MONITOR ON" through the inside
NOTE: You can only enter the extended monitor mode when the system is disarmed. If
the system is in extended monitor mode it will automatically exit that mode when the
system is armed.
Fire Cut Off and Reset: The length of time the system will stay in alarm without a disarm before the system stops
the sirens and waits for another zone activation. Fire cut off and reset is not permitted in
a UL installation.
5 Day Cycle: The automatic arm/disarm feature will occur every day unless the 5 day cycle is
included in the "Automatic Arm / Disarm" option. The 5 day cycle is Monday through
Force Arm w/ Open To automatically force arm around open zones, include force arm around open zones in
Zones: the total for the "Automatic Arm / Disarm" option. If this option is not used the panel
will not automatically arm if a zone is open.
Force Bypass-unbypassed: The option "zones bypassed by force arm auto unbypassed at disarm" is useful if the
option "open zones automatically bypassed at force arm" is enabled. With both options
set, all zones that are bypassed at force arm will be unbypassed when the system is
disarmed. Bypass is not permitted in a UL installation.
Ignore Dial Tone: This removes the dial tone detect in the panel for cellular backup units that do not supply
dial tone.
Key Combinations: The chart is used for setting custom key combinations. To change a key combination,
select the column for the keypad and the desired key or combination. Enter the Key
function in the location.
Local Telephones: Allows use of the code on in-house touch tone phones.
Local Phone Access Code: Code required to access the system from a local phone.
Master Functions: Adding this option allows a code to enter into bypass mode, extended monitor, change
user codes, and activate smoke reset.
Monitor Trouble: The system can speak and indicate a high current situation, control low battery, and a
failure to complete a digital communication as trouble conditions at the keypad.
Entering 001 will enable speech and show the condition at the keypad while 000
disables this feature. This feature must be enabled in a UL installation
Multiple Reports: Multiple reports will be sent to the central station in one phone connection as opposed to
hanging up and re-dialing for each report.
Mute External Speakers: This option sends all tones to the inside speaker and is adjustable with the inside speaker
volume adjustment. The external speaker output is turned off. The main use of this
feature is for testing alarm activations.
No Entry Delay in HOME: When enabled, this option will cause the exterior delay zones to become instant when e
system is armed to HOME.