No Exterior Instant When enabled, this option will eliminate the exit delay on all exterior instant zones
Exit Delay: following arming to either HOME or AWAY.
No Program Mode: With this option set, the system will not enter program mode with the panel armed.
Number of Activations Zones can be automatically bypassed, if the zone causes multiple activations within a
for Auto-Bypass: specified time frame (reset each time the system is armed). The number of activations
and time period are programmable. Once a valid disarm code is entered, the bypassed
zone will be unbypassed. A program value of 000 disables this feature. Automatic
bypassing of zones is not permitted in a UL installation.
Off-hook Duration: The system can be programmed to enter two-way after a digital communication. This
location determines how long the system will hold the line without a valid two-way
command before automatically dropping the line. Valid times are 000 - 255,
000 = 256 seconds.
Open zones Bypassed: With open zones automatically bypassed at "force arm" enabled, zones are not force
armed, they are bypassed. Therefore, if a zone is open and the system is force armed,
the zone will remain bypassed even if the zone is closed. Without this option set,
closing the zone will place the zone back into the system as a monitored input. Bypass
is not permitted in a UL installation.
PC Access Code: Code required for programming the panel via computer software.
Phone Inactivity Hang-up: The amount of time the system will wait without activity before terminating the
Phone Samples: The built in phone monitor circuit can be adjusted based on the installation location.
Every four seconds the phone line is sampled, this option determines the number of
samples needed for the panel to determine that a valid phone line has been connected or
removed. In locations subject to brief phone outages use a higher number, in locations
that have reliable phone service use a lower number. The default 6 works best in most
Program Access Code: Code required to place the system into program mode.
Program Inactivity: The amount of inactivity time before the system exits program mode to keypad mode.
Program Code Options: Works the same as user code options but applies to the program mode access code.
Record in EML: The system contains a 80 Event Memory Log (EML). Reports that are sent to the central
station are available to be sent to the EML. Even if a report is not programmed to be sent
to the central station it may still be programmed to be sent to the EML. Each report code
can be recorded in the EML by adding the 128 value in the dialer option. The only
method for retrieving the EML is with the PC based programming software. Once the
EML reaches 80 events, all new events push out the oldest event. The EML can be
cleared by entering 9898 from the keypad or phone while in program mode.
Remote Telephone: Allows use of the code from any off site touch tone phone.
Removing User Codes: Follow the user code sequence and press the A key when prompted for the user code.
NOTE: Code 1 cannot be removed; only changed.