
Silent Panic: Silent panic zones respond by activating the communicator. An activation
appears in system status, however, no audible indication is given.
Step Arming: The arm/disarm zone type is used for momentary arming inputs such as a
keyswitch or touchpad. Each time the zone is closed the system moves in order between
the following stages. Starting with the system disarmed, the first momentary closure will
arm the system to AWAY. A second momentary closure, before exit delay time expires,
will arm the system to HOME. A second closure after exit time has expired, will disarm
the system. Arming to NIGHT is not available if an arm/disarm zone is used. Even if
force arming is not programmed, the system will always force arm any open zones when
an arm/disarm zone is used. This option is not permitted in UL installations.