
Display Open at Keypad: Used to show when specified zones are open. Typically, all internal zones (PIR's, Smoke
Detectors) are not programmed to show status at the keypad. This prevents constant
STATUS light flashing. External zones (windows, doors) should be programmed to show
status so the user is updated to all perimeter changes. Zones that are programmed not to
show open at the keypad are not included in the monitor mode, unless extended monitor
is used. This programming option does not affect opening (disarming) and closing
(arming) reports to the central station.
Duration Between The length of time the system pauses before saying "Entry Detected." The shortest time
Pre-alarm Cycles: period is three seconds (000). Any value in this location is added to the default 3
Duress: When this option is enabled, the user code will issue a silent duress code to the central
Duration Between Fire, For zone trouble, transmitter tamper, or a fire zone trouble condition, a supervisory beep
Tamper, Trouble Chirps: will be sounded at intervals determined by this time. For all activations except the fire
chirp, the tone can be silenced by checking status. Valid times are from 1 to 255
seconds. If a value of 000 is programmed, this feature is disabled. This feature must be
enabled in a UL installation
Duration for Recognition For systems with a back up battery, the system can determine when AC power is lost.
of AC Power Loss: This location determines the time period in minutes before the system will recognize the
power loss and speak "POWER OFF." If the communicator is programmed, it will send a
report to the central station. Valid AC power loss recognition times are from 1 to 255
minutes. This feature must be enabled in a UL installation
Echo Communicator: To listen to the communicator transmission through the inside speaker, enter 9960 while
in program mode. Each communication will be heard over the inside speaker. When
testing is complete, return to programming mode and enter 9960 to turn off the
communicator monitor feature. Communicator monitor automatically turns off when the
panel is turned off or when the two-way voice circuit becomes active. Whenever
possible use the communicator monitor feature instead of a telephone butt set. The
panels phone circuit is very sensitive to loading. A good test to attempt when
experiencing communicator difficulties is to remove all connections from R1 and T1 and
connect only the panel to R and T. This ensures a good phone connection and can help
isolate troublesome connections.
Echo local Phone Speech: When local (in house) phones are used as keypads, system speech is typically only heard
through the phone. With this option selected, system speech will be heard through the
inside speaker as well as the phone.
Enable Night mode: With this option selected, the system can be placed into Night mode. When the system
is armed to HOME, press the H or # key. When armed to Night mode, both the AWAY
and HOME LED's on the keypad will be lit, the entry delay doors become instant and
interior delay #2 zones are active. To exit Night mode, disarm or press the H or # key to
return to HOME mode.