
Glossary of Terms
Access code before arm: In this configuration, a full access code (arm/disarm code) must be entered to arm the
system. Once armed, the system must be disarmed to allow a change from one arming
mode to another.
Alarm cut off and reset: The system provides for an automatic reset (cut off high volume tones and system reset)
in the range of 1 to 255 minutes.
Answer service override: For installations that use answering services provided by the phone company. Two
separate calls must be made to the system for the panel to answer. On the first call, let
the phone ring twice and hang up. Call a second time, and the panel will answer on the
first ring and respond with an access confirmation tone.
NOTE: For remote phone access to work correctly, the panel must be wired for full
phone line seizure using an RJ-31X connection.
After the system confirmation tone, enter a valid disarm code that is programmed for
remote phone access within 15 seconds. The system will respond with system status.
Remote phone access operates in the same manner as local phone access, however, all
arming state changes are echoed over the inside house speakers. During remote phone
access, local phone access is unavailable and all local phones will receive a system
beep every second signifying remote phone access is active.
NOTE: Some electronic phone systems use the * and # keys for additional functions. It
may be required that the * and # are pressed twice for the system to generate the * or #
Answer service time: This option is active only when Answer Service Override is enabled. This value
determines the amount of time the panel will wait for a second call after hearing two
rings on the first call.
Answering Machine If an answering machine is used on the same phone line as the control panel, the
Override Digit: answering machine override feature in the panel must be used. Once the answering
machine answers the line, enter the override digit. The system will respond with an
access confirmation tone.
Auto. EML/LTM clear: All selected alerts that are sent to Event Memory Log and Long Term Memory are cleared
every 96 hours.
Automatic force arm: Without this option enabled, if a user attempts to arm the system with a zone open, the
system will respond with "ZONES OPEN". The user can then "force arm" around the
open zone. This temporarily bypasses the zone until the zone is closed. If this option is
enabled, the open zone will automatically be temporarily bypassed (force armed) on the
first key press. The user is never notified that zones are open unless system status is
requested. Automatic force arm is not permitted in a UL installation.
Battery trouble: If the backup battery is under 10 volts, low battery can be displayed at the keypad and /
or sent to the central station. This option must be enabled in a UL installation.
Burg tone before speech: The length of time the system will create a burglary tone before speech.