Enable Two-way Callback: For this option to be used, at least one activation must be programmed to enable two-
way voice/listen-in with the central station. After the digital communication, with this
option enabled, the system will hang up and wait for the programmed time in location
0461 for a call back from the central station. The dialer LED will blink while waiting for
the return call. The system will answer after the first ring and will automatically be in
two-way with listen-in or will issue three beeps requesting a valid access code. If this
option is not programmed, the system will hold the line after the kiss-off tone and will be
in two-way listen in mode. See the "Communicator" for two-way callback options.
Two-way callback is not permitted in a UL installation. To enable two-way callback
refer to System Options Group 3.
Enable Two-way Voice: This enables two-way voice to be used after the digital communication to the central
Enter Time: The panel will prompt for a 4 digit time (use a leading 0 for times under 10:00), followed
by a prompt for AM or PM. The next prompt is for the day of the week (1-Sunday,
2-Monday, 3-Tuesday, 4-Wednesday, 5-Thursday, 6-Friday, 7-Saturday). Enter a two
digit month, two digit date and two digit year.
Enter zone Description: This location provides a method for adding up to a four word description for each zone
in the system. The panel will prompt for a three digit zone number followed by prompts
for 4 words. Enter the three digit value for the desired word. If programming fewer than
4 words or to exit, press H. Zone 29 will speak "power off" when AC power loss is
detected, "control battery trouble" when a low battery is detected and "communicator
fail" when there is a communicator failure.
Entry Delay 1 and 2: The system provides two different entry delay times for exterior and interior delay zone
types. Each of these times is programmable from 1 to 255 seconds. Not to exceed 45
seconds in a UL installation.
Event Memory Log: The control panel has a built-in 80 event system memory log (EML) that can be retrieved
manually with the upload/download software package or automatically by programming
the control panel to call a computer with the upload/download software running in the
automatic EML upload mode.
Exit Delay: An exit delay time may be programmed for 1 to 255 seconds. Not to exceed 60 seconds
in a UL installation.
Exit Program Mode: Removes the system from program mode and places the system in keypad mode.
Extended Monitor This option determines the amount of time an extended monitor activation will remain in
KeyPad Display Time: system status.
Extended Monitor A/B: With the system disarmed, entering a full function user code followed by the 3 or 4 digit,
will place the system into extended monitor mode A or B. The system will speak
"MONITOR ON" through the inside speaker. Entering a full function user code followed
by 3 or 4 will clear any active extended monitor zones and stop the extended monitor
beep or speech. The system will speak "MONITOR RESTORED." If the system is in
extended monitor mode and there are no extended monitor zones active, entering a full
function user code followed by 3 or 4 will take the system out of extended monitor
mode. The system will speak "MONITOR OFF".
The enunciation feature of the control panel can be used to monitor exterior, interior,
and follower zones. As an example, it may be desirable to monitor interior door activity
of residents in a retirement home. Normal extended monitor activity is not sent to the
central station. If a Day Zone causes an Extended Monitor activation when the system is
not armed, a Day Zone Trouble can be sent to the central station.