
Report Code: All events that initiate a communicator report are associated with a report code (based
on zone type) that appears at the central station. Each report code can be defined for all
report types except Contact ID. When Contact ID is used, no programming is required.
The following abbreviations are used in the "Ademco Contact ID Codes" Chart:
Z - Zone (up to 3 digits)
U - User number
E - Event or open
R - Restore or close
Reporting Formats:
Ademco Contact ID: A DTMF based reporting format. If this format type is enabled, it is
not necessary to program report codes. It is still necessary to program the dialer options.
3/1 format: Communication format consisting of a 3 digit account number followed by
a single digit (hexadecimal) activation type.
4/2 format: Communication format consisting of a 4 digit account number followed by
a two digit (hexadecimal) activation type.
4/2 extended format: Communication format consisting of two lines of information:
line 1: 4 digit account number followed by a two digit (hexadecimal) activation type.
line 2: Last digit from line 1 repeated 4 times followed by a two digit (decimal) zone
4/1/1 format: Communication format consisting of a 4 digit account number followed
by a single digit (hexadecimal) activation type and a single digit (hexadecimal) zone
number (15 max). Zones above 15 are reported as "F."
RF Strength Mode: This mode reduces the sensitivity of the receiver and speaks the serial number for all
5800 signals.
Report to Central Station: Programs a zone to activate a digital communication to the central station if the zone is
the cause of an alert condition.
Rings for Phone Pickup: This location determines the number of rings before the panel answers the phone.
Installations with an answering machine should be programmed with a longer ring count
than the answering machine.
Sescoa Fast: Sescoa, Acron, Vertex, DCI, Franklin - 2300Hz handshake/kiss-off, 1800Hz data
transmission, 30/20 millisecond tone (20 baud), 800 millisecond inter-digit delay
Secured Access Code: Code required for a central station to access the panel during two-way callback if the
secured callback option is selected.
Send Close Report: Each time the code is used for arming a report is sent to the central station and/or the
event memory log depending on the Close Report dialing options.
Send Open Report: Each time the code is used for disarming a report is sent to the central station and/or the
event memory log depending on the Open Report dialing options.