6.15 Record Retention And Dissemination.
6.15.1 Record retention. The owner shall retain the following records for at least 4
years: (1) Name and address of the purchaser of each aerial platform by serial
number and date of delivery. (2) Written records of the frequent and annual
inspections and repairs performed. The record shall include deficiencies found,
corrective action accomplished and identification of the person(s) performing the
inspection and repairs. (3) Written records of repairs accomplished on the aerial
platform. The records shall include corrective action accomplished and
identification of the person(s) performing the repairs. (4) Predelivery preparation
performed prior to each delivery. (5) Name of the person(s) trained. (6) Name of
the person(s) providing training. (7) Name of the person(s) provided with
familiarization upon delivery unless this individual has been provided with
familiarization on the same model, or one having characteristics consistent with the
one being delivered, within the prior 90 days. (8) Name of person(s) providing
familiarization upon delivery.
6.15.2 Proof of training. Owners providing training should provide successful
trainees a means to evidence their training and shall provide such proof if requested
by the trainee. The document evidencing the training shall include the following
information: (1) Name of entity providing training or retraining. (2) Name of
trainer(s). (3) Clear identification that training covered Self-Propelled Elevating
Work Platforms. (4) Date of training.
6.15.3 Record dissemination. Upon request, an owner accomplishing training
and/or familiarization shall provide the following: (1) To a user, proof of training
for an operator, including name of trainer and date of training; (2) To a user, the
name of the person(s) receiving familiarization upon delivery of the aerial platform.
6.16 Modifications. Modification, alteration or remanufacture of an aerial platform
shall be made only with prior written permission of the manufacturer.
6.17 Manufacturer's Safety Bulletins. The owner shall comply with safety-related
bulletins as received from the manufacturer or the dealer.
6.18 Responsibilities Upon Sale. When the aerial platform is sold, the seller: (1) Shall,
upon delivery, ensure the operating and maintenance manuals are conveyed to the new
owner. (2) Shall, upon delivery, provide a copy of the ANSI/SIA A92.6-1999 Manual of
Responsibilities for Dealers, Owners, Users, Operators, Lessors, Lessees, and Brokers of
Self-Propelled Elevating Work Platforms. (3) Should provide repair and parts manuals
to the new owner. (4) Shall, upon the request of the new owner, offer to do training or
advise where training may reasonably be obtained.
7. Responsibilities of Users.
7.1 Basic Principles. The information in this standard must be supplemented by good
job management, safety control, and the application of sound principles of safety,
training, inspection, maintenance, application, and operation consistent with all data
available regarding the parameters of intended use and expected environment. Since the
user has direct control over the application and operation of aerial platforms,
conformance with good safety practices in this area is the responsibility of the user and
the operating personnel, including the operator. Decisions on the use and operation of
the aerial platform must always be made with due consideration for the fact that the aerial
platform will be carrying personnel whose safety is dependent on those decisions.
7.2 Manuals.
7.2.1 Machine manuals. Users shall keep and maintain a copy(s) of the operating
and maintenance manual(s) in the weather resistant storage compartment provided
by the manufacturer. The manual(s) is considered an integral part of the aerial
platform and is vital to communicate necessary safety information to users and
7.2.2 Manual of responsibilities. The ANSI/SIA A92.6-1999 Manual of
Responsibilities for Dealers, Owners, Users, Operators, Lessors, Lessees, and