7.7 Familiarization Before Use. The user shall permit only properly trained personnel
to operate an aerial platform. The user shall ensure that before use the operator is
familiar with the model of the aerial platform to be operated, and specifically: (1) Knows
where the weather resistant compartment for manual storage is located. (2) Knows the
operating and maintenance manuals supplied by the manufacturer are stored in the
weather resistant compartment and is familiar with the operating and safety manuals. (3)
Understands all control functions, placards and warnings. (4) Is aware of and
understands all safety devices specific to the model aerial platform being used.
7.8 Workplace Inspection. Before the aerial platform is used and during use, the user
shall check the area in which the aerial platform is to be used for possible hazards such
as, but not limited to: (1) Drop-offs or holes. (2) Slope(s). (3) Bumps and floor
obstructions. (4) Debris. (5) Overhead obstructions and high voltage conductors. (6)
Hazardous locations and atmospheres (reference ANSI/NFPA 505-1996). (7) Inadequate
surface and support to withstand all load forces imposed by the aerial platform in all
operating configurations. (8) Wind and weather conditions. (9) Presence of
unauthorized persons. (10) Other possible unsafe conditions.
7.9 Determination Of Hazardous Locations. It shall be the responsibility of the user
to determine the hazard classification (potential presence of flammable or explosive
gases or particles) of the intended location of operation. Aerial platforms operated in
hazardous locations shall be approved in accordance with, and of the type required, by
ANSI/NFPA 505-1996.
7.10 Operator Warnings And Instructions. The user shall direct personnel operating
the aerial platform to be in compliance with the provisions set forth in this standard. The
user shall monitor their performance and supervise their work to ensure the use,
application and operation of the aerial platform is in conformance with the provisions set
forth in this standard, warn personnel of potential hazards, provide means to protect
against identified hazards, and explain the potential consequences of not following
proper operating guidelines. Instructions and guidelines regarding proper operation shall
include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following issues and subjects: (1) Fall
protection. The guardrail system of the aerial platform provides fall protection. If
worksite rules require an occupant(s) of the platform to wear restraint or body
positioning devices, occupants shall comply with instructions provided by the aerial
platform manufacturer regarding anchorage(s). (2) Slope and grade. The aerial platform
shall not be operated in any manner on grades, side slopes or ramps exceeding those for
which the aerial platform is rated by the manufacturer. (3) Deployment of stability
enhancing means. Outriggers, stabilizers, extendible axles, oscillating axles or other
stability enhancing means shall be deployed and locked into place as required by the
manufacturer. (4) Guardrail system. Guardrails shall be installed and positioned, and
access gates or openings shall be closed per the manufacturer’s instructions. (5)
Distribution of load. The load and its distribution on the platform and any platform
extension(s) shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s rated capacity for that specific
configuration. (6) Maintaining overhead clearance. The operator shall be instructed to
ensure that adequate clearance is maintained from overhead obstructions and energized
electrical conductors and parts. (7) Electrocution hazard. The user shall direct the
operator to maintain, and provide the means to maintain the minimum safe approach
distance (MSAD) from energized power lines and parts, as listed in Table 7-1 on pages
7-14 & 7-15. Electrical equipment and lines shall be considered energized until
determined to be de-energized by tests or other appropriate methods or means and
properly grounded. If energized power lines or parts are within the area in which the
aerial platform is to be used, the user shall define and explain to the operator specific
means to maintain the minimum safe approach distance required. (8) Personal protective
equipment. The user shall direct the operator to ensure all personnel on the platform
wear personal protective equipment as required. (9) Personnel footing. Personnel shall
maintain a firm footing on the platform floor while working thereon. Climbing by
occupants on the midrail or toprail of the aerial platform is prohibited. The use of planks,
ladders, or any other device on the aerial platform for achieving additional height or