Managing Exchanges
104 PATROL DashBoard User Guide
When you create or modify a group, another screen is displayed in which you
specify the information about the new or modified group, similar to that described
in step 5 on page 103.
8 Click Create Exchange.
To Create an RMON2 Exchange
1 In the Network portion of the navigation tree, right-click the Exchange root under
the RMON2 device under which you want to create a new exchange.
2 Choose New => Exchange.
The Exchange Creation screen is displayed, as shown in Figure 42:
Figure 42 New RMON2 Exchange
3 In Source Host, specify the IP address for the source.
4 In Destination Host, specify the IP address for the destination.
5 In Label, specify a name to display in the navigation tree for this exchange.
6 Click Create Exchange.