BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
128 Application Enhancement Solutions Messages Manual
7 It was not possible for BCF to establish a necessary intercept point for Fast
OSAM Buffer Purge initialization.
8 It was not possible for BCF to establish a necessary intercept point for Fast
OSAM Buffer Purge initialization.
9 An abend occurred while attempting to set the intercept point for Fast
OSAM Buffer Purge initialization.
10 BCF module BECDIR was not present for the execution.
11 Execution was for batch backout; BCF Fast OSAM Buffer Purge is not
System Action: Processing continues without the use of the BCF Fast OSAM
Buffer Purge.
User Response: If you receive reason code 1, the message can be ignored if your
IMS release is not IMS/VS 2.2 or IMS/ESA. If you receive reason codes 2 through
10, contact BMC Software Product Support for assistance. Have a copy of the job
log data set and a dump available.
Explanation: During restart processing, BATCH CONTROL FACILITY (BCF)
found that the execution control record indicated the application completed all
necessary processing during the execution that was interrupted by a system failure.
System Action: Processing continues. The job step ends with the return code
provided by the prior execution of the application.
User Response: This message is for your information only. No action is necessary.
RC = rc
Explanation: During BATCH CONTROL FACILITY (BCF) initialization, BCF
detected an executing job step that had a
COND=ONLY parameter in its EXEC
statement, and a previous job step (
stepname) that had also been under BCF control
and abended with a user abend U1550 or U1552. This situation causes BCF to
bypass the
COND=ONLY step. The following reason codes (rc) are possible:
1 The previous job step abended with a user abend U1550. A user abend
occurs when the last BCF task that was active fails to complete its
processing. Completion of job step processing is indicated by an “ENDED”
or “ENDED+ABENDED” status message displayed beside the execution
control record.