BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
420 Application Enhancement Solutions Messages Manual
BMC152230I <request type> syncpoint <syncpoint ID> on <log data set name>.
Explanation: A syncpoint has been processed and is recorded on the indicated
log data set.
System Action: Processing continues.
User Response: This message is for your information only. No action is necessary.
BMC152258S DDNAME(ddname) bypassed due to missing DD statement. <subsysid>
Explanation: An open request was issued for the indicated ddname, but the data
set was not allocated.
System Action: The open request for the data set fails.
User Response: Check for and correct a missing or incorrect data set name entry.
BMC152259I DDNAME(ddname) DSNAME(data set name). <subsysid>
Explanation: This message reports the ddname and data set name related to a
previously issued message. The previous message identifies the purpose for which
this informational message is being issued.
System Action: See the previous message.
User Response: See the previous message.
BMC152264E DDNAME(ddname) DSNAME(data set name) <subsysid>.
Explanation: A VSAM error has occurred for the data set identified with
indicated ddname and data set name. A previously issued message identifies the
cause of the error.
System Action: See the previous message.
User Response: See the previous message.
BMC152270E //AES$ssid DD DUMMY missing from job step. <subsysid>
Explanation: An initialization call was received from APPLICATION
RESTART CONTROL (AR/CTL), but the required AES$ssid DD statement was not
found or could not be allocated dynamically.
System Action: Initialization terminates abnormally.
User Response: Contact BMC Software Product Support.