BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
BMC152000–BMC152099 407
BMC152008S Request type <type> x(<return code>) is invalid for program
(<program>). <subsysid>
Explanation: The Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) VSAM component
encountered an internal error.
System Action: Action depends on the error. Processing may terminate abnormally.
User Response: Make sure you have a system dump, and contact BMC Software
Product Support.
BMC152012R Reply RETRY, ABEND or IGNORE. <subsysid>
Explanation: The Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) VSAM component
encountered an error during syncpoint processing. This message requests the
operator to determine how to handle the error. A previously issued message indicates
the cause of the error.
System Action: Processing is suspended until the operator replies.
User Response: Issue one of the following replies to the WTOR:
Perform syncpoint processing again.
Issue an abnormal termination.
Continue processing. If a failure occurs before the next syncpoint completes
successfully, the job cannot be restarted.
BMC152014S <type> processing logic error,DD(<ddname>),VJB(<vjb>),
REASON(<reason code>). <subsysid>
Explanation: The Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) VSAM component
encountered an error during CLOSE processing.
System Action: Action depends on the error. Processing may terminate abnormally.
User Response: Make sure you have a system dump, and contact BMC Software
Product Support.