BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
BMC153000–BMC153099 437
BMC153026S Service module PVT offset/size<offset/size> not consistent with the
OPB<offset/size>. <bcssid>
Explanation: You attempted to use an earlier version of the component after a
more current version had been initialized. Internal control block and/or module
attributes are incorrect. <offset/size> indicates the offset and size where the
inconsistency occurred.
System Action: Component initialization terminates.
User Response: Reinstall the current BMC Consolidated Subsystem (BCSS)
modules or the current Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) product modules.
If this fails to solve the problem, contact BMC Software Product Support.
BMC153028S XST<xst> connection failure, R15<returncode>, SSOBRETN<address>.
Explanation: A connection failure occurred. <xst> indicates the identifier of the
extended SVC screening table. <returncode> indicates the generated return code that
is passed to register 15. <address> indicates the address of a control block.
System Action: Component attempt to connect to the BMC Primary Subsystem
(BMCP) was unsuccessful. The OPEN/CLOSE/EOV intercepts were not available,
and expansion of data may not be possible.
User Response: If the BMCP subsystem was started and appears to be functioning
properly, contact BMC Software Product Support as soon as possible.
BMC153030S BCSSPB service failed to return the address of an SPB for the <product
name> <componentname> environment. <bcssid>
Explanation: An error has occurred during Application Enhancement Solutions
(AES) product initialization.
System Action: AES product initialization terminates.
User Response: Contact BMC Software Support.
BMC153031S <product name> <componentname> could not locate the <product
name> environment control structure. <bcssid>
Explanation: A major control block inconsistency has been detected.
System Action: The Application Enhancement Solutions (AES) product will not
initialize without an IPL.
User Response: Delay starting the AES product until the next IPL. Contact BMC
Software Product Support for assistance.