BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
BMC11100–BMC11199 53
BMC11166E <ddname>,registration dataset has reached an excessive number of
extents and must be rebuilt. <bcssid>
Explanation: A registration data set has reached a number of extents that the
subsystem control record (SCR) describing the registration data set cannot support.
This message is issued by BCSMSRAM during subsystem initialization. <ddname>
indicates the DD statement associated with the registration data set.
System Action: If the indicated registration data set is the primary registration data
set or the last available duplex registration data set, processing terminates.
User Response: Rebuild the indicated registration data set, combining the extents
into as few extents as possible.
BMC11167W {GENERIC | PROGRAM | DATASET} dataspace capacity has been
exceeded. Record caching will no longer be performed. <bcssid>
Explanation: Record caching terminates when the product exceeds the generic,
program, or data set data space capacity. This message indicates a logic error.
System Action: Processing continues without caching.
User Response: Contact BMC Software Product Support.
BMC11168E TERMRPL request failed, R15(<returncode>), R0(<reasoncode>),
RPLREQ(<requesttype>), RPLFDBK(<feedback>),
RPLOPTCD(<optioncodes>). <bcssid>
Explanation: A VSAM TERMRPL request failed. A non-BMC Software
product may have overlaid the BCSS, or an internal subsystem error may have
occurred. <returncode> indicates the generated return code passed to register 15.
<reasoncode> indicates the generated reason code passed to register 0.
<requesttype>, <feedback>, and <optioncode> indicate values associated with the
request. These values are shown in hexadecimal format. Use a VSAM Logic manual
from IBM to interpret the values.
System Action: The request to terminate a VSAM I/O request ended with the
indicated error.
User Response: Check for any non-BMC Software product that may have overlaid
the BCSS, and attempt to correct the problem. If this is not applicable, contact BMC
Software Product Support.