BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
42 Application Enhancement Solutions Messages Manual
BMC11040E <ddname>, registration dataset has reached an excessive number of
extents and must be rebuilt. <bcssid>
Explanation: A registration data set has reached a number of extents that the
subsystem control record (SCR) describing the registration data set cannot support.
This message is issued by BCSMSSI1 during subsystem initialization. <ddname>
indicates the DD statement associated with the registration data set.
System Action: If the indicated registration data set is the primary registration data
set or the last available duplex registration data set, processing terminates.
User Response: Rebuild the indicated registration data set, combining the extents
into as few extents as possible.
BMC11041W <ddname>,registration dataset is nearing an excessive number of
extents and should be rebuilt. <bcssid>
Explanation: A registration data set is nearing a number of extents that the
subsystem control record (SCR) describing the registration data set cannot support.
This message is issued by BCSMSSI1 during subsystem initialization. <ddname>
indicates the DD statement associated with the registration data set.
System Action: The BCSS continues execution. It is possible that the BCSS could
fail if the registration data set extents exceed the SCR limit during execution.
User Response: Rebuild the indicated registration data set; combine the extents into
as few extents as possible.
BMC11042I Registration dataset synchronization will not be performed in parallel.
Explanation: The BCSS cannot use parallel synchronization for the registration
data set. Serial synchronization is used.
System Action: Processing continues with serial synchronization.
User Response: This message is informational only.
BMC11043E <ddname>, does not reference a valid VSAM dataset. <bcssid>
Explanation: A DD statement does not reference a valid VSAM data set.
<ddname> indicates the DD statement associated with the registration data set.
System Action: The DD statement is ignored, and processing continues.
User Response: Correct the DD statement for the next initialization.