BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
BMC11900–BMC11999 69
BMC11909E Dynamic allocation of (<ddname>) DDNAME failed, RC(<returncode>)
RSNCDE(<reasoncode>), execution terminated.
Explanation: An attempt to dynamically allocate a data set failed. <ddname>
indicates the DD statement associated with the data set. <returncode> indicates the
generated return code. <reasoncode> indicates the generated reason code.
System Action: The Extract program terminates with a return code of 20.
User Response: Contact BMC Software Product Support.
BMC11910W CARD # <cardnumber>, COLUMN # <columnnumber>. This parameter
is not recognized, remainder of record ignored.
Explanation: A parameter is invalid and is assumed to be a comment.
<cardnumber> and <columnnumber> indicate input record card and column where
the error is located.
System Action: The Extract program ignores the remainder of the input record.
User Response: If the parameter is not a comment, correct the spelling, and
resubmit the job for execution.
BMC11911W CARD # <cardnumber>, COLUMN # <columnnumber>. The new
DDNAME is missing. Remainder of record ignored.
Explanation: An attempt was made to change a ddname. The new ddname was
not supplied. <cardnumber> and <columnnumber> indicate record input card and
column where the error is located.
System Action: The Extract program ignores the remainder of the input record.
User Response: Either supply a new ddname, or remove the OUTPUT control
statement from the input stream.
BMC11912W CARD # <cardnumber>, COLUMN # <columnnumber>. This operand is
too long. Remainder of record ignored.
Explanation: A supplied parameter is greater than 8 characters in length.
<cardnumber> and <columnnumber> indicate input record card and column where
the error is located.
System Action: The Extract program ignores the remainder of the input record.
User Response: Either correct the parameter, or remove the OUTPUT control
statement from the input control card stream.