BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information
246 Application Enhancement Solutions Messages Manual
RC=rc, DDNAME=ddname
Explanation: It is not possible to open a VSAM data set with the given ddname.
The reason why open processing could not be performed is identified by the reason
code (reason) and return code (rc) shown in the message. The return code is
provided by the MVS service that failed. The reason code is provided by the
ACBERFLG field in VSAM. The following reason codes are valid:
2 A nonzero return code was returned by the RDJFCB macro. The reason
code is RDJFCB.
BLKSIZE was zero after open. The return code is 32.
7 The data set is a temporary data set and is not supported. The return code is
8 The job step JCL did not contain a DD statement for the data set. The return
code is the
DEVTYPE return code.
9 An unknown access attempt was detected. The return code is 30.
XX A nonzero return code was returned by the OPEN macro. The return code is
RDJFCB return code.
System Action: Processing continues and the file characteristics block (FCB) for
the data sets is marked with a permanent error.
User Response: Correct the problem identified by the reason code and return code
shown in the message. If you need to contact BMC Software Product Support for
assistance, have the job step listing available when you call.