Form Format and Font Selection Commands
The form format commands let you select and set some form-related
parameters. The font selection command lets you choose between the
two standard fonts and any installed optional fonts.
The standard fonts for the Model 8900 Series Printer are Courier and
Gothic. Residing in printer ROM, these fonts can be selected via the
control panel or by the host computer. Optional fonts include Prestige
Elite and Presentor. These optional fonts are available as ROMs that
plug into sockets on the printer logic board. When installed, these
fonts can also be selected via the control panel or by the host computer.
Set Form Length to
n1 n2
Escape sequence: ESC F n1 n2
Hexadecimal: 1B 46 n1 n2
The terms n1 and n2 represent a two-digit form-length value expressed
as the number of lines that can be printed at 6 lpi.
If the current bottom margin value is less than the new form length
value set by this command, the bottom margin position does not
change. If the current bottom margin value is greater than the new
form length value, the bottom margin position moves to the new
form length value.
When using the set form length command, any form-length value of
1 through 99 lines is expressed as two decimal values (n1 and n2).
For example, for a form length value of 8 lines, n1 = 0 and n2 = 8;
for a form-length value of 29 lines, n1 = 2 and n2 = 9. For any form-
length value greater than 99 lines, the value of n1 is expressed as a
hexadecimal number and the value of n2 is limited to the decimal
values 1 through 9.
TI Model 855 Printer WP Emulation 5-11