Idle Delay
At the end of a printing operation, if the paper is at top of form, the
printer waits for more data and then, after a short delay (idle delay),
moves the paper to the tear-off position. The IDLE DELAY parameter
invokes a display that lets you adjust the idle delay to a value in the
range of 300 milliseconds to 90 seconds.
You can disable the idle delay feature by selecting a value above 90
seconds, in which case the LCD displays DISABLE. When you
disable this feature, the printhead “relaxes” (moves away from the
paper) after 91 seconds of idle time and the paper is not moved to the
tear-off position.
Power-Up Online
The PWRUP ONLINE parameter lets you set the printer to power-up
in either its online or offline condition. The default setting is YES
(power-up online).
Paper Pull-Down Warning
This parameter lets you select the type of warning that occurs when
the printer is about to pull down tractor-fed paper from its tear-off
position to the normal printing position.
The COUNTDOWN option (factory default) causes the printer LCD
to display the numerals 9, 8, 7... down to 1, visually warning that
paper pull-down is imminent. The pull-down time delay is increased
about 3 to 4 seconds.
The BELL option causes a series of nine beeps of increasing duration
to indicate paper pull-down. The pull-down time delay is increased
about 3 to 4 seconds.
The BOTH option causes the COUNTDOWN and BELL options to
occur simultaneously.
The NONE option turns off the pull-down warning.
Printer Setup 2-16