TI Model 880 Printer Emulation 4-18
Set Left Margin at Column
Escape sequence: ESC [ N s
Hexadecimal: 1B 5B N 73
The variable N can be any value in the range of 1 through, the
column immediately to the left of the current right margin value, as
determined by the line width setting. For example, if the current right
margin is at column 80, the valid range of N is 1 through 79. If N
equals 0, the left margin equals the default value.
Set Right Margin at Column
Escape sequence: ESC [ ; N s
Hexadecimal: 1B 5B 3B N 73
The variable N can be any value in the range of the current left margin
value through the value of the right-most column, as determined by
the current line width setting. If N equals 0, the right margin equals
the default value.
Set Left and Right Margins at Columns
Escape sequence: ESC [ N1 ; N2 s
Hexadecimal: 1B 5B N1 3B N2 73
This command sets the left and right margins to the columns specified
by N1 and N2, respectively. The N1 and N2 limits are, respectively,
the same as for the Set Left Margin at Column N and the Set Right
Margin at Column N commands.
Set Line Width to
Escape sequence: ESC : n
Hexadecimal: 1B 3A n
The variable n can be any value in the range of 0 through 127 for 7-bits
or 0 through 227 for 8-bits.
Restore Default Line Width
Escape sequence: ESC ;
Hexadecimal: 1B 3B
This command sets the line width to the value currently selected by
the Form Select switch.