IBM Proprinter XL Emulation 7-11
Horizontal Motion Commands
The horizontal motion commands control the horizontal motion of
the printhead, including the direction and distance of each movement.
Control character: BS
Hexadecimal: 08
This command causes the printer to print the current contents of the
print buffer and then move the printhead one character to the left. This
command is valid at any point to the right of the left margin but not
at or to the left of the left margin. The printer ignores the Backspace
command if either full or right margin justification has been selected.
Tab Horizontally
Control character: HT
Hexadecimal: 09
This command moves the printhead horizontally to the next horizontal
tab stop. These tab stops can be the ones set by the Set Horizontal
Tab Stops command (ESC D n1...n32) or the default horizontal tab
stops. The default tab stops are at 8-character intervals (in the default
character size) between the left and right margins.
Carriage Return
Control character. CR
Hexadecimal: 0D
This command causes the printer to print the current contents of the
print buffer and then return the printhead to the left margin. This
command may be accompanied by a Line Feed command to move
the printhead to the next print line position.