TI Model 855 Printer DP Emulation 6-7
Model 855 DP Command Descriptions
The following paragraphs describe the TI 855 DP emulation commands.
The command formats are listed following each command
description. Many of the escape-sequence commands contain one or
more variables to specify various command parameters. These
variables are italicized in the command formats to indicate that they
can be set to more than one value.
Printer Operation Commands
These commands allow the host computer to control some basic
printer functions.
Select DP Mode
Escape sequence: ESC @
Hexadecimal: 1B 40
Select WP Mode
Escape sequence: ESC CR P
Hexadecimal: 1B 0D 50
Escape sequence: ESC SUB I
Hexadecimal: 1B 1A 49
These commands cause the printer to function in the Model 855 WP
Suspend Printing
Escape sequence: ESC w
Hexadecimal: 1B 77
This command prints the current print line from the print buffer and
suspends printing operations until the suspension is released by the
On Line switch.